5 Strategies To Reduce Screen Time for Preteens

We all know screens are everywhere these days – phones, tablets, computers, you name it. While tech can be great, too much of it might not be the best for our kids. 

It can mess with their health, how they interact with others, and even how they feel.

But don’t worry, I’ve got some ideas to help balance things out.

In this post, I’ll show you 5 strategies to reduce screen time for preteens.

#1 Establish Screen-Free Zones

First up, create some no-screen zones at home. 

Start with bedrooms – they’re for sleeping and relaxing, not for late-night YouTube marathons. Make it a family rule that phones and tablets “sleep” outside the bedroom.


The dining table is another great spot to keep screen-free. It’s a chance for everyone to chat and enjoy meals together.

Create a cozy reading nook in the living room where screens are a no-go too.

Also Read: Best Ways to Promote Healthy Screen Habits

You could even set up a spot where all devices get charged, away from where they’re usually used. And make it fun! 

Set up a colorful “parking lot” for devices in a common area. Get your preteen involved in decorating it – they might be more inclined to use it if they helped create it. 

Remember, the goal is to make these zones feel natural and positive, not like a punishment.

#2 Schedule Daily Outdoor Time

Getting outside every day is a great way to cut down on screen time.

Plus, it’s good for your preteen in so many ways! 

Try to plan some outdoor time each day, but don’t just stick to the same old routine. Mix it up! 

One day could be a nature scavenger hunt in the local park, the next could be a family bike ride. Got a dog? Make walking it a fun responsibility for your preteen. 

On weekends, try exploring new hiking trails or visiting nearby lakes or beaches. 

Sports are great too, whether it’s joining a team or just kicking a ball around.

Aim for at least an hour a day, but don’t stress if you miss a day here and there. The important thing is to make outdoor time a regular, enjoyable part of your routine. 

And don’t forget – join in!

Your preteen is more likely to embrace outdoor time if they see you enjoying it too.

#3 Discuss The Effects Of Screen Time

You should talk to your preteen about what too much screen time can do as well. 

Keep it age-appropriate, but be honest. Chat about how screens can affect sleep, schoolwork, and how we interact with others. 

Talk about staying safe online too.

But keep it real and relatable. Instead of lecturing, try sharing your own experiences. 

Maybe you’ve noticed you sleep better when you don’t look at your phone before bed. Ask your preteen if they’ve noticed anything similar. 

Also Read: Impacts of Excessive Smartphone Use on Kids

You could even do a fun experiment together – try a day with normal screen use and a day with limited screen use, then compare how you both feel. 

Help them become aware of how screens affect them personally, not to scare them. 

Keep the conversation ongoing and open – as they grow, their relationship with technology will change, and so should your discussions.

#4 Introduce New Outdoor Hobbies

Getting your preteen interested in outdoor hobbies can naturally lead to less screen time.

Think about what they like and see if there’s an outdoor activity to match.

Are they into art? Try outdoor sketching or nature photography. 

For the science-minded kid, stargazing or rock collecting could be a hit. 

Sports are great, but don’t limit yourself to traditional team sports. How about archery, rock climbing, or kayaking? Or maybe they’d enjoy gardening, watching birds, taking photos, or even something like geocaching.


Look for local clubs or classes where they can try new things too. 

Remember, it might take a few tries to find something that clicks, so be patient and keep exploring. Find activities that are so engaging, your preteen forgets all about their screens!

#5 Implement A Reward System

You can also try setting up a reward system.

This can make reducing screen time feel more like a fun challenge than a chore. 

Create a point system where your preteen earns points for every hour spent on non-screen activities – like reading a book is worth 2 points or playing outside is 3 points.

These points could add up to special treats or privileges. 

Let them help decide what the rewards should be – it could be anything from choosing the family movie on Friday night to a special outing with you.

Also Read: 3 Smart Ways to Mix Tech Use and Play

But make sure the rewards are things your preteen actually wants. 

Keep a colorful chart or use a fun app to track progress. You could even turn it into a family challenge, where everyone participates and you celebrate achievements together!

But keep it positive and achievable. Start small and gradually increase the goals. 

This approach not only helps cut down screen time but also helps your preteen feel good about what they’re achieving.

Wrapping Up

Helping preteens cut down on screen time isn’t always easy, but these strategies can make a big difference. 

But you’ve got this—set up those screen-free zones, toss in some fun outdoor activities, chat about the perks of unplugging, explore new hobbies, and maybe dangle a carrot with a rewards system. These will help them find a better balance.

Remember, it takes time to change habits, so be patient and keep at it. 

Set a good example yourself, be ready to adjust your approach if needed, and celebrate the small wins along the way.

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